I am really interested in physical simulation. Currently, I am a senior research scientist in Tencent Shanghai, LightSpeed Studios. Previously, I was a Postdoc at Inria Saclay, supervised by Prof. Mathieu Desbrun. I obtained my doctorate from the School of Information Science & Technology of ShanghaiTech University in China, supervised by Prof. Xiaopei Liu , and majoring in computer graphics, with a particular focus on fluid simulations.
Differing from traditional fluid simulation, my research is multi-disciplinary, covering many aspects in computer science and computational physics, as well as some artificial intelligence. During my PhD study, I have closely collaborated with Prof. Mathieu Desbrun from Caltech and Prof. Changxi Zheng from Columbia University for fluid simulation.
I received my BS degree in computer science from Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, supervised by Prof. Yong Xia .
* If you are interested in doing a research internship at Tencent Games, send me an e-mail with your CV and a short summary of your research interests.
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